The author was quite drastic with his use of words. He used really strong words like “imprisoned, irreverent, constitutively charged, defamed, categorical imperative” (Goldberg) – words like this might be hard for some people to understand. Even the use of phrases like “The politics of universalization of 'All Lives Matter' is a politics of dismissal, ignorance and racial denial” (Goldberg), “There are slippages in the strategy, sometimes a lack of clarity about what is requested of political candidates following BLM interventions……. representatives,” “Compelling social movements are struggles against entrenched structures and cultures of rights, self-protected privileges, and unquestioned institutional access by the anointed to the exclusion of those who do not belong” (Goldberg) shows the extent to which some might be disconcerted by the absolute vagueness of the information. Statistics like “We are a better humanity because of the deep reflection and insight that black intellectuals and artists have provided about what it means to survive in the face of repression, humiliation, and death, from Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth to James Baldwin and Toni Morrison” . .” (Goldberg) are arranged this way