A leader can apply one of these approaches depending on the personality and task of the followers. However, transformational leadership focuses even more on subordinates' values, ethics, long-term inspirations, and overall workplace needs. Leaders should be a good role model and inspire followers to be creative, innovative and encourage them to perform with high expectations (Holzer and Schwester, 2011, p.336-337). Life cycle leadership theory is when a leader provides direction and emotional support to followers by taking into consideration their level of maturity, in terms of motivation to achieve a task, ability to handle responsibilities, formal education and training, and experience, and thus excluding the age factor in this maturity. Holzer and Schwester (2011) also discussed the five foundations of power a leader might possess to be effective. This includes the ability to satisfy followers' needs and provide them with rewards (reward power); the ability to punish followers (punishment power); the ability to understand and provide information (expert power); the ability to control and influence others based on position in the organization (legitimate power); and the ability to persuade followers to follow instructions based on the leader's charisma and attractiveness