This is said with the idea that even though Adderall is a Schedule II substance, it does not seem as dangerous or serious as heroin. A big part of the philosophy of this is because it's extremely easy to get on college campuses. In an interview done by, Amanda states that, “On my campus, […] Adderall is extremely easy to find. Sometimes you don't even have to ask if your friends take it regularly and study with you often […] People will try to sell [Adderall] to get cash for laundry money” (Gladu 2015). Even though it is a Schedule II drug, a national survey showed that it is considered "very dangerous" by only 2% of students. The survey also showed that the percentage of students who believe that non-medical use of Adderall is “not at all dangerous” or only “slightly dangerous” is a whopping 81% (Zadrozny 2015). In short, students who take Adderall don't see how it can affect them because they are getting the drug from their friend, or classmate, and not in some dark alley associated with the more intense