“Everything happens for a reason.” This was the last thing my young philosophical mind said to me. By now I had lost the ability to think philosophically indefinitely. This incident is something that seems really dubious, but it is absolutely real. This was after my grandfather's death, the first death in my family since my birth, and before my experiences of hearing words that weren't spoken and seeing things that weren't there. Before this I was an obsessively compulsive and hyperactive person. accident – and now I was calm, emotionless and without fear of death, which was sure to come. This is a very unusual entry into the teenage years. This was soon followed by depression, loneliness, and an inability to think clearly. Now, I was unable to think clearly and fell into many problems that would soon haunt me. My 'wisdom' was left only in the form of a memory. “Everything happens for a reason” was the best I could remember along with some important conclusions that my mind must have deemed important. I really wanted to regain my ability to think, so I embarked on a three-year journey to do so. I have accumulated a "list" of characteristics that a wise person would possess. This helped me organize everything I wanted to be, which was definitely better than a confusing continuum like my mind was. I have organized them as 'steps' to achieve detachment from this world. Detachment would mean tranquility, relief from this confusing abyss I lived in. My decision to organize the requested information was only a few weeks ago. I classified the research sources I could use into three types: videos, web portals and books. I therefore decided to use only one resource for each category. I used Youtube to see... middle of paper... prevents the person from being distracted by thoughts about sense objects. A person is characterized by what he thinks. It is important to have pure thoughts to achieve pure character. Efficient use of time is essential because it prevents a person from having too much or too little time, thus preventing blocking thoughts from taking over the mind. This was the first organized research paper I ever did. I learned to accumulate and organize research data into useful information. This improved my skills in managing textual resources. On top of all this, I was able to study something that really interested me. This experience has shown me the way to research topics I want to know more about. I think now I can truly say, “Everything happens for a reason.” Works Cited Bhagavad Gita Sadhguru Shri Atmanand, The Jain Ideologies