Growing up with an abusive stepmother, she grew up viewing pain and hurtful words as not bothering her. She became immune to it, they both still saw her life there as a “hellish life”, but thanks to her determination about it, they managed to resist (Amma 153). He decides that it is neither his parents' "karma nor his work ethic" that determines his happiness, which shows that even with everything he is going through, he doesn't see his parents at fault for life, as he sees that life can randomly deal someone is dealt a bad hand, and she was the right choice. It's trying to see the brighter side of life while recognizing that life isn't perfect and really trying to make the most of it. Once he starts working for the family and experiences their kindness, his thoughts become more cheerful and hopeful especially after starting the relationship with the lawyer. Although she is seventeen, she sees the world through innocent eyes, but mostly through her ideas about love. Once she falls in love, all her thoughts are consumed by Gopi and pleasing him. She even goes so far as to fulfill her wishes in a “spirit of self-sacrifice” knowing that she will become pregnant (155). It's like her whole world revolves around him and it's exactly what he wants. He is described as having a "selfish ego" who is happy not to go with another man even when he