Topic > Analysis of Peter Singer's View on Utilitarianism

India must decide whether to let refugees starve or divert funds from developing their own country. Peter doesn't think this should even be a question. Singer states, “If it is within our power to prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing something comparable more important, we should, morally, do so.” (V&V 375). I think what he means by saying this is that the rich have so much that they can give without sacrificing anything. They don't need to change their life as they live it now. They need to donate their time and the extra money they have left over. If all the rich did this, it would be enough to help the poor and put them out of hunger. Singer believes that the family should spend just enough money to meet the needs. Anything left over should go to a rescue company. For example, if the average family earned fifty thousand dollars a year. After buying everything for the year, living only on the basic necessities, they spend thirty thousand dollars. According to the singer, twenty thousand dollars should now go to a relief society, or the maximum that can be obtained. If I then had to