Topic > Introduction to Management - 995

The formation of the organization implies that a leader must take on the role of controlling the group's activities; the work done by the leader is what we call management.Organization and definition of ManagementThe organization is made up of a group of people who work together. Regardless of whether the organization is for-profit or non-profit, its formations aim to achieve a common purpose or a variety of objectives, which are desired future outcomes. The outcomes could be producing a set of products or serving a target customer group or satisfying the needs of others. In these organizations, managers are primarily responsible for supervising the work performance of group members and deciding on the use of resources to achieve the organization. His goal. Management can be defined simply as “getting results through other people.” Management is therefore the term that describes the work carried out by the manager, which consists of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the use of human and other resources, in order to help the organization achieve higher organizational performance. Planning consists of defining organizational objectives or goals and developing action plans to achieve the organization's objectives. Organizing means determining which tasks should be done, arranging jobs for subordinates, controlling the budget, and dividing tasks among individuals or teams. Leading means motivating staff at work, maintaining business progress and good relationships and ensuring that the work performed is effective and efficient. Controlling means measuring work performance, evaluating whether objectives have been achieved, comparing set objectives and making corrections when necessary. Organizational performance is the effectiveness and efficiency of performance. Performance effectiveness is the measure of task or goal achievement, or the degree to which an objective is achieved. Managers who choose the right goals and achieve them can tell the effectiveness of performance. Furthermore, performance efficiency is the measure of the resource cost associated with the objectives, it would be the amount of resources used and the productivity of the resources. The more time and resources are saved in achieving goals, the more efficient the production supervisor will be. The study of managementThe study of management is the learning of a set of attitudes and beliefs about people, work, action and organisation. It may not represent the entire management, but it is the foundation of it. It is not just about how the boxes are arranged on the tree of authority, but it is studies of the nature and purpose of management.