The crisis poses the explosive Russian-Ukrainian Currently, Bchabadtha Euro-USA, the problematic relationship between Russia on the one hand, and the «Soviet sphere » from the other hand. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Moscow wished, in the midst of transitions and political and economic chaos, to secure a minimum level of influence by maintaining political and economic relations with a number of the former republics Soviet. The first instrument of this policy was the creation of the so-called «CIS», which included a series of institutional cooperation frameworks - bilateral or multilateral depending on the circumstances - including the political and economic aspects of different countries, in addition to the CCC and the the army, within the framework of Moscow's relations with what you define as “near abroad”. As the expansion of the European Union and NATO into Central and Eastern Europe to include Soviet republics that once bordered Russia as Baltic countries, or other countries such as Poland, have deprived Moscow of a large margin of movement, kept other countries due to its geopolitical position outside this framework. Among these countries, Ukraine, and this due to its importance in terms of being the second largest state of the Soviet system after Russia with an area equal to 604 thousand square kilometers and a population of 47 million people, as well as having the largest Russian fleet in Crimea, located in the territory inhabited by a pro-Russian ethnic majority. Fly. Except Ukraine's place in the Russian national consciousness, as Russia first, and the presence of the Russian minority and the compensation represent approximately... middle of paper... Russia's ability to defend its interests in The Face of opponents did not hesitate to attempt to thoroughly humiliate the collapse of the Soviet Union, provoking serious, even partially overwhelming, responses from Russians in more than one place, and so, regardless of readings of the comic, there is some connection between the situation in Ukraine and other cases, typically without discrimination, including the Syrian issue, which remains elevated at an international level, or worse during the "personal" feud of the Russian president or the abominable case of Rusovobaa, in addition to the letter of West traditionally hostile to Russia since the time when the Soviet Union was the least affected, despite the strong underlying historical fact that Russia has always been the victim of attacks in the environs of the West for centuries, from the Swedes to the Lithuanians of Valbulendaan , French and British, and from the Germans downwards .