The Importance of Teamwork in Today's OrganizationsIt could be argued that, to be successful, modern organizations must actively develop strong, cohesive work teams. Why? Is it true that there is no room for individualism in today's organization? The rapid progression and improvement of information and communication technologies have led modern organizations to find new ways of working. One of these ways of innovation is using the working group. More than ever, organizations are becoming global, which means they rely on distributed teams to accomplish certain tasks (Nedelko, Z, 2007). Although most jobs nowadays require some degree of individual and team work and it is left to management to identify which method might be appropriate for the task (Belbin, M, 2007). In this essay I will look at how the organization can use the work group to its advantage and the different factors that can influence the performance of a work group. Additionally, I will also discuss when it is appropriate to use the work group and the individual and discuss whether an organization can respond solely to the work group to be successful. A group can be defined as 'any number of people who (1) interact with each other; (2) are psychologically aware of each other, and (3) perceive each other as a group' (Mullins, L, 2007, p. 299).Some tasks can only be accomplished through the combined effort of a group. The organization can use groups to carry out projects, which will help achieve its overall goal. However, for the group to be successful, it needs to understand what is expected of him and has the right skills to complete the task. (Mullins, L, 2006) A group needs members who possess diversified skills paper... they need to identify when it is appropriate to use work groups and individuals to carry out the activity. Bibliography Books Brooks, I. (2005) Organizational Behaviour, 3rd edition, Great Britain, Pearson EducationMullins, L. ( 2007) Management and Organizational Behaviour, 8th edition, Great Britain, FT Prentice HallMullins, L. (2006) Essential of Organization Behaviour, Great Britain, FT Prentice HallE-journalsBelbin, M. (2007) Managing through empowerment: Getting the most from Teamwork Day, The Daily Telegraph, 11, p.004Carte, T, et al. (2006) Emergent Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams: Longitudinal Focused and Shared Leadership Behavior, Group Decision and Negotiation, 15(4), p.323-343Nedelko, Z. (2007) Video Conferencing in Virtual Teams, The Business Review, 7(1) page.164-170