1219 Winter, 2014 (fifth assignment)Yu Yong Esther Chung (951067880)As Dr. Rodale plans to retire, she should refer to the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists to address concerns regarding retirement. The following concerns will be addressed in this article: making plans to inform clients and colleagues, maintaining medical records, addressing clinical concerns, and working on personal concerns (McGee, 2003). As McGee (2003) suggests, when a psychologist decides to retire it is necessary to develop a retirement plan. This should include the retirement date and the timing of when customers should be notified. Ideally, Dr. Rodale should inform current and formal clients orally and in writing. According to the CPA (2000), Principle II (Responsible Care) states that when a psychologist intends to discontinue psychological service, he or she should give reasonable notice to ensure that his or her clients are not harmed before discontinuing the service. This will allow clients enough time to discuss their future plans and possibly transfer them to other psychologists. Additionally, when clients are notified in writing, the letter must contain the exact date of retirement. Additionally, Dr. Rodale should notify clients within a short defined period of time to ensure that clients find out about the pension directly through her. This is to reduce feelings of anxiety, frustration and loss. McGee (2003) suggests that clients should be notified approximately 3 months before retirement. Furthermore, when Dr. Rodale starts informing clients, she should stop accepting new clients and inform her colleagues as well (McGee, 2003). Furthermore, Dr. Rodale has to make a deal... middle of paper.... ..ly, some end up losing their self-esteem, because they give up the professional self-image, prestige and responsibility of taking care of others. Dr. Rodale should seek to recognize and resolve these feelings by engaging in self-care activities to avoid compromising her judgment which could result in harm to others (Principle II) (CPA, 2001). For example, consulting with a colleague or seeking therapy herself could help her address these issues. Reference List Bemister, T., & Dobson, K. (2011). An updated account of the ethical and legal considerations related to recordkeeping. Canadian Psychology, 52(4), 296-309. Canadian Psychological Association. (2001). Canadian code of ethics for psychologists. Ottawa.McGee, T. F. (2003). Observations on the regulation of professional psychologists. Professional psychology: research and practice, 34(4), 388-395.