Topic > Down Syndrome Essay - 2901

There are many life factors that can influence a person's development and growth, including genetic, biological, environmental, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors. Genetics is the science of genes, heredity, and variation in organisms. Also, half of our chromosomes come from our mother and the other half from your father. Genetic disorders are diseases caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes. Down syndrome is an example of a genetic disorder. Biological disorders occur when something is physically wrong with the body or causes problems in the body, cancer is an example of a biological disorder. These conditions can affect a person's physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Down syndrome is a genetic condition. It can cause learning difficulties and can also affect physical characteristics. It can affect your physical appearance and also your ability to learn and develop mentally. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition and manifests itself from birth. Down syndrome occurs because a child inherits an extra chromosome. When a child is conceived, he inherits genetic substances from his parents. Down syndrome occurs due to a defect in a chromosome called chromosome 21. It happens when a child or newborn inherits an extra chromosome 21. The child or adult with Down syndrome inherits 47 chromosomes instead of 46 and this can affect their physical and mental characteristics. It tends to affect both males and females equally. People who have Down syndrome tend to have many typical physical characteristics which include, they may have upward slanted eyes, they may have small ears, they may have a flat back of the head, swollen tongue, small mouth, flattened nose , mig ...... middle of paper ...... you don't feel stressed. They may be forced to live in unsanitary or overcrowded conditions. So they are more likely to contract illnesses and diseases. They are likely to live in polluted areas. They have a higher risk of dying young. They may feel excluded from society because of their social class. An individual's lower social class and gender can influence their employment opportunities. Some sports or activities are considered appropriate for both men and women. A child's sex can influence what toys they play with or what sports they play in school. Individuals with a low income or lower social class are more likely to have a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle as they are unable to purchase good quality food like others. They are also likely to contract so many illnesses and diseases such as diarrhea, obesity, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol.