Topic > Tamalpais Union High School District Budget Cuts

Dear District Superintendent: The Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) is one of those districts that has seen declining property values ​​in Marin, dysfunctionality and fiscal chaos in Sacrament. Due to the severe economic crisis and devastating education cuts by the state of California, TUHSD must reduce operating costs by 20 percent within five years to have a balanced budget for the 2014-2015 school year. THUSD's annual budget is $55 million. The operations are half that, or 27.5 million dollars. The cost reduction goal is 20 percent lower within the operating budget than projected in 2009-2010, which equates to a $5.5 million reduction to balance the budget for the 2014 school year -2015. The following recommendations are responsible and conservative actions that will put us in a better financial position to maintain our district's primary focus and provide our students with an excellent education driven by our mission.1) Privatize Housekeeping and Food Services : l'Eau The Claire School District has decided to privatize its janitorial services in order to reduce operating expenses over the next year. Board members approved a contract with Genuine Janitorial Service, which will save the district an estimated $50,000 to $75,000 in the first year and likely more in future years. This isn't the only district to consider hiring a private firm to screw up its cleaning and food services, which provides a good alternative to cutting teachers in the district. THUSD can implement the area of ​​privatization of housekeeping and food services as a way to save money. The district can track success by implementing a monthly plan status report to track service area and cost savings through p...... middle of document ...... monthly plan status report from part of the facts and the students. An important part of the budget-balancing process is analyzing each potential cut and evaluating it against the district's mission before implementing it into the strategic plan. These suggestions of privatizing housekeeping and catering services, improving transpiration efficiency, maintaining and improving ecological efficiency, renting out unused facilities, and implementing a four-day work week are good suggestions that facilitate long-term cost savings term. These suggestions have previously allowed other school districts to meet their budgetary needs and be in a better financial position. This concludes our findings and provides the final report of cost reduction recommendations. My staff and I are available to provide immediate assistance in planning and executing the implementation.