This interview should consist of open-ended questions to help Sara feel able to express herself in the way she feels is appropriate. To help a client, a doctor must be able to create rapport with a patient, and creating an open conversation for Sara to express herself will help her let go of the refrigerator and have someone to confide in. Additionally, this interview should include questions about how Sara feels personally, how she feels about her body image, any experiences or traumas she may have had related to her body image and size, and her perceptions about the importance to be "thin". This interview will be the final factor in determining whether Sara has Bulimia Nervosa. Bulimia Nervosa is linked to psychosis, so it would be necessary to ask more questions to see if Sara feels mentally defective and blames others for her defects (Miotto et al., 2010). Also in this case a DNA test of Sara would be useful. Sara claims she has always been big, in the highest sense, but given her obsession with binging and purging and possible body weight that has not been disclosed, a simple thyroid test could determine whether weight issues are possibly related to the thyroid and/or a bad lifestyle. habits such as overeating. Current research has been conducted on the link between genetics and Bulimia Nervosa. Lewin and Carter (2014), state that neurotrophic factors are a group of proteins that integrate growth and