Topic > Essay on UNICEF - 1336

Charities are not required to declare their resources by fund. The accounting equation is Assets = Liabilities + Equity. Net worth is reported in three classes, which are different from financial reporting for the government. • Unrestricted equity: the portion of equity that is not temporarily or permanently restricted. (This category may include assets that were previously temporarily restricted, but the donor's stipulation has been honored, removing the restriction.) • Temporarily Restricted Net Worth: The portion of the net worth whose use is limited by the donor-imposed restriction on timing and- or purpose of use of the donated resources. • Permanently Restricted Net Worth: The portion of net worth whose use is limited by donor-imposed restrictions that are pervasive in nature, that is, restrictions that cannot be satisfied with the passage of time or with actions of the organization. What other group project do you think was the strongest? Provide reasons for yours