“The Internet; The greatest invention of the twentieth century”“The Internet was probably the most important influence on American culture in the last years of the twentieth century” (Internet). The words of that quote are the ones that tell the truth. During the last years of the twentieth century, the world was intrigued by the invention of the Internet. Without the Internet, the world as we know it would truly cease to function. The Internet is important to everyone, in one way or another. The world without the Internet would be chaos and discord; that's why the Internet is simply the most creative invention of the twentieth century. The history that led to the Internet is important because we are able to know how the Internet became what it is today. What advances in the technological world led to the idea of the Internet? Finally, how is the Internet used today and why is it important for everyone? Since its inception in the 1950s, the Internet has grown to become a phenomenon in the 21st century. Hope, energy and prosperity are some words that could best describe the 1960s era. America had finally begun to become one of the world's many superpowers. John F. Kennedy once said, “The time has come for a new generation of leadership to address new problems and new opportunities” (American Decades). While JFK was president, the unemployment rate was only between 5 and 6 percent during the first half of the decade, while the inflation rate was only 2 percent. As the decade progressed, the youth of the 1960s were a rebellious crowd and most protested to avoid war. The most common reason why teenagers in the 1960s rebelled was because they didn't want... half the paper... l. "A Brief History of the Internet." A brief history of the Internet. ISOC, 2010. Web. 21 April 2010. .L., R."Introduction." American decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, et al. vol. 7: 1960-1969. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Network. March 4, 2010.Routledge, Chris. "Internet." Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-bottoms: Pop Culture of 20th-Century America. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. vol. 5: 80s-90s. Detroit: UXL, 2002. 1319-1322. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Network. April 12, 2010. "The Vietnam War." Digital history. Network. April 19, 2010. .Zell, Alan J. “Article: Four Uses of the Internet.” Selling Attitudes - Alan J. Zell. Sales Ambassador. Network. March 19. 2010. .