When this is not possible, incorporating images and biographies can help (Brake, 2006). Ultimately, trust must come quickly or it may not come at all” (Avolio & Kahai, 2003). (p. 41). I personally believe this is a first step (building trust) in adaptive leadership style to meet these changing environmental demands in organizational systems and processes that have evolved to become more flexible and adaptive in a global role of "Yukl and Mahsud (2010) state that “Flexible and adaptive leadership involves changing behavior in appropriate ways as the situation changes” (p. 81), young managers or followers may use more slang in their communication and as an adaptive leader some forgiveness or cooperation is needed as they guide them towards more professional and acceptable means of behavior or communication in the long term. Leaders must keep themselves informed about the potential impacts of the cultural context with current global trends in order to satisfy needs and desires… foreign leadership styles can be applied in all cultures, but should be applied in the context of local conditions… foreign leaders needed to improve in the areas of communication, relationship management and respect or adherence to the values of the host culture". (p. 667). Successful implementation of adaptive leadership styles incorporates both local and other cultures