LITERATURE REVIEWAccording to Hsieh, Pan and Setiono (2004), "a successful brand image allows consumers to identify the needs that the brand satisfies and to differentiate the brand from its competitors, and consequently increases the probability that consumers will purchase the brand” or its products and services, which consistently maintain a favorable image from the public, would definitely gain a better position in the market, a sustainable competitive advantage and increase the market share or performance (Park, Jaworski, & MacInnis, 1986). Furthermore, several empirical findings have confirmed that a favorable image (i.e., brand, store/retail) will lead to loyalty (e.g., Koo, 2003; Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000; Nguyen & LeBlanc, 1998). Brand image is composed of various associations in the minds of consumers. Brand attributes are the functional and mental connections with the brand that customers have. They can be specific or conceptual advantages that constitute the motivation for the purchase decision. There are three types of benefits: functional benefits – what you do better (than others), emotional benefits – how you make me feel better (than others), and rational benefits/support – why I believe you (more than others). Brand attributes represent consumers' overall evaluation of the brand. The brand image does not have to be created, but is formed automatically. Brand image includes products' attractiveness, ease of use, functionality, fame and overall value. Brand image is actually brand content. When consumers buy the product, they also buy its image. Brand image is the objective and mental feedback of consumers when purchasing a product. The positive brand image exceeds customer expectations. A positive brand image improves a company's goodwill and brand value