And tenants are at the mercy of landlords, who may charge high rents, provide low-quality furniture and fittings, skimp on maintenance and generally provide their tenants with poor service . However, many owners prove to be professional, honest and correct: a series of laws to protect tenants' rights have certainly helped in this sense. While there are always notable exceptions across the country, if you own a property it is likely to increase in value and if you later want to move out you will have the choice of selling it or holding onto it and renting it out, in the process hopefully. making a good profit. If you sell and decide to rent again, you gain first-time buyer status again and aren't trapped in a chain, making it easier to buy again in the future. Before buying, remember that a property involves significant costs such as estate agent, lawyer, surveyor and stamp duty fees. And your property won't automatically increase in value. It could decline substantially, which could lead to negative equity, as many thousands of homeowners have discovered over the years. Keep in mind that the monthly mortgage is only one cost of ownership, the others include insurance, maintenance and repairs. Furthermore, by purchasing you commit to paying monthly: how secure your job or career is