Caedmon's Hymn addresses this issue more directly when the angel grants Caedmon the power to sing. He goes from a helpless human being to one who is “granted the heavenly grace of God” (p. 31). Where Caedmon was originally incapable of singing and separated himself from his peers, God granted him a singing ability that surpassed them all, proving that God has the power to metamorphose even the weakest people through His strength. The most persistent expression of God's power over the human spirit, however, can be found in the numerous allusions to God during the fight with Grendel's mother. While Beowulf proves through his many incredible feats (including killing Grendel) that he is a man of superhuman abilities, he also shows in this fight that he is not flawless when in the battle he made a mistake that could have cost him his life, as the poet states that “the strongest of warriors stumbled and fell” (Riga 1544). In the end, none of Beowulf's exploits could have saved him without the guidance of the Lord, since "the holy God has decided the victory”