Topic > Summary of reaction to Safriet's article - 1924

It is essential to get out from under the collective “thumb” of the medical community. The APNS can provide care from a different perspective by providing preventive care and health promotions. APNs do not intend to take over doctors' practices; they are simply trying to provide quality healthcare to the growing needs of the public. APNs are able to provide safe, cost-effective care comparable to that of a doctor. The end result should be to increase patient satisfaction, accessibility and provide competent care. A 2012 report by the National Governors Association, a bipartisan group of U.S. governors that aims to shape public policy, suggests that nurses provide effective primary care. The APN community must actively participate across the full spectrum of health care and health reform if we are to maintain our relevance in the future. APNs' scope of practice should be commensurate with their training and education in all states, not just the state in which they reside. When deemed necessary, APNs will collaborate with other physicians and another specialist to achieve the desired results. The collective healthcare system (doctors, APNs, nurses, administrators and legislators) must recognize the urgency of crises. There are many players involved, including health insurance and businesses,