2001EHR: MANAGEMENT - RELATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES Research essay (individual) DEGREE OF CHOICE OF EMPLOYERS IN CONDUCTING RELATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES AND UNIONS CONTENTS Introduction: 3Employer Choice in Employer and Employee Relations: 31 Level of Employee Power Present: 42. The Potential Benefit of a Mutually Acceptable Relationship: 53. Employment Rights Issues: 64. Potential Harms of the Practice of the employer to dictate the relationship: 8Conclusion: 8Introduction:The relationship between employers and employees and trade unions has always existed. been a vital aspect of a company's profitability and growth. If there is a harmony between the two entities, the company thrives and is able to achieve its goals and objectives very efficiently and effectively. Our essay will attempt to resolve the question of whether employers possess some degree of choice in determining how they seek to conduct their relationships with employees and unions. With the issue at hand, our essay will develop the argument that employers do not possess a degree of choice in how they seek to conduct their relationships with employees and unions. Our essay will focus primarily on the education sector in Australia, with a focus on the university level. University-level institutions in Australia are characterized by employers, employees who primarily include teaching and other non-teaching staff, and trade unions who work to protect employee rights. We will focus on NTEU activities as a role for unions in Australian universities. Our essay will be based on the topic of the level of employee power present in the organization today...... half of the document ......urce Management. 5th ed. Australia: John Wiley and Sons. 412.Teicher, J; Holland, P; Gough, R. (2002). EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS MANAGEMENT: AUSTRALIA IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT. Sydney: Prentice Hall. 154-187.Van Barneveld, K; Nassif, R. (2003). Rationale for introducing Australian workplace agreements. Available: Last accessed May 20, 2010.Weller, S; Van Gramberg, B. (2007). Managing workplace change in the Australian higher education sector: A study of employee involvement provisions in workplace agreements. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 29 (2), 173-184. Wood, J; Wallace, J; Zeffane, R; CHampan, J; Fromholtz, M; Morrison V (2004). Organizational behavior: A global perspective. 3rd ed. Australia: John Wiley and Sons. 355-356.