To avoid such great inconsistency, parents need to show young children how to institute parenting practices that prevent or at least decrease future sibling conflicts. And it must provide strategies to reduce friction and stress among children when they arise. In large families, when resources are insufficient, siblings appear to experience conflict and competition for limited resources compared to siblings in small families where resources are adequate. Having 4-5 children who want to spend quality time with their mother, competition between siblings is natural. Having a small family should be favored by people. By having a small family, parents' problems regarding money decrease, parents and their children have more time to bond with each other, and the chances of conflict between children decrease. A small family can live more peacefully and harmoniously. It is better to live in a smaller family, parents will have more time and money to give their children the best education possible. You can meet the material requirements. Furthermore, parents will have a better relationship with their children. There will be less sibling rivalry and more opportunities to do so