Topic > Is junk food really cheaper? By Mark Bittman - 1155

663). This article states that “our culture and our environment” play an important role in what we adults and our children eat. Our culture has gotten so caught up in fast food that we think it's no longer normal to even cook a home-cooked meal. And we also taught our children that eating fast food is normal and anything else is not. And the only way to change the way people think about regularly eating fast food and never cooking a home-cooked meal starts with the environment (Bittman, 2011, p. 663). We need to start by getting closer to the real, unprocessed food we buy at the grocery store and “…raising our children in families that don’t program them for rapid production, rush consumption, and high calorie content” and start by “…giving them the gift of appreciate the pleasure of nourishing each other and enjoying that nourishment together” (Bittman, 2011, p. 664). Time spent together as a family eating a home-cooked meal is something a family can appreciate as a group. Not only does it make people appreciate family and being together, but