It seemed that the burgeoning artist had an insatiable sexual desire that in a strange way inspired much of his art. Picasso seemed to have an eye for young, beautiful girls half his age, such as Olga Khokhlova who was 17 when Picasso started dating her, Françoise Gilot who was 21 when he was 61, and even his last wife Jacqueline Roque who was 27 and Picasso 72. Françoise Gilot, Picasso's last wife, seemed to be the one he had always liked, their relationship lasted 11 years until Picasso's death. Françoise Gilot was completely dedicated to Picasso and Picasso was dedicated to her. Françoise had such a strong bond with Picasso that when he died she fell into depression and four years later committed suicide because she could not imagine parting with him.