Economic IndicatorsFor those who watch CNN a lot, the term Economic Indicators is well known. However, for those who choose not to make CNN a primary station, the term Economic Indicators can be extremely confusing. Economists often use very different terms when referring to the floating economy. Economic indicators seem to be one of the many terms they use. So, what exactly are economic indicators and what purpose do they serve? In addition to the questions asked above, are they really that important? Economic indicators serve the purpose of spying on the economy, let me elaborate. Economic indicators are economic statistics. Examples of economic indicators are unemployment rates, GDP, and even the inflation rate. These so-called economic indicators tell the Economist how well or poorly the economy is doing. By revealing the current state of the economy, indicators allow economists to predict how well the economy will do in the future. Economic indicators are very necessary. Investment levels depend on what economic indicators suggest. For example, if economic indicators suggest that the economy will do better or worse than in the past, individuals may choose to change previous investment plans. As stated earlier, economist and investors depend on economic indicators. There are three different types...