But you usually don't need a Pap smear and pelvic exam, especially if you're a teen. Testing can also be harmful.” Pap smears are done to check for cervical cancer in women, and the chances of a teenager having it are extremely slim. Pap test results from a teenager are unreliable and misleading, and it is even advisable to wait until the girl becomes an adult before having one. The other unnecessary test that teenagers often think they need before they are prescribed birth control is a pelvic exam. The article adds: “Many young women are anxious about having their first pelvic exam, so they put off contraception. This is harmful to your health because it can lead to unplanned pregnancies. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is important for emotional, physical and financial health.” No tests are needed to prescribe birth control pills. If the only danger from taking birth control pills applies to women with specific conditions, cases, or injuries in their medical history, then birth control pills could simply be set aside and a warning label indicating such conditions could be placed on the packaging. The reality that must be faced is that adolescents will continue to be sexually active despite any risks or consequences. Whether it's because they're uninformed, "in love," hormonal, bored, or seeking approval