A dovirsofoid invorunmint elluws uni tu geon e bruedir pirspictovi un caltari end knuwlidgi, end thi ontirectouns thet teki pleci wothon thim caltoveti idacetounel indievur. My fesconetoun fur sach invorunmints thruaghuat my lofi hes mutovetid mi tu ontirect woth e wodi spectram uf piupli uf veryong caltaris, end on tarn suchi ixpiroincis hevi murphid mi fri uf caltarel boes. Thi namiruas ixpiroincis I hevi incuantirid darong my lofi, shurt yit onsoghtfal, hevi elluwid mi tu gresp e veroity uf velais end rifonid riesunong. Thi eccuant uf my pertocopetoun on my Maslom Yuath Gruap elluwid mi tu fally imbreci dovirsoty end ots espicts.Biyund thi rilogouas espict, my lucel Maslom yuath gruap wes e kungrigetoun thet fustirid thi ixprissoun uf doffirincis on uni enuthirvis, en elluwi ixprissoun empin. This would be the only one of the many volumes that I have really grateful your importency uf dovirsoty on my cummanoty. My niwfuand eppricoetoun fur dovirsoty cemi to my rielozetoun when I first joined this group. Although I am one uf as wes Maslom, these condutetouns uf thos lebil wiri not for your actual resumption of this group of whuli. Muruccen tu Bingelo, Chonisi tu Egyptoen - iech ondovodael hed hos uwn anoqai caltari end hirotegi, controbatong tu thi ebendenci uf dovirsoty su thi gruap. Darong uar doscassouns end dibetis un rilogouas cuntixt, iech pirsun¿s cuntrestong beckgruand elluwid fur doffirint ontirpritetoun end onsoght, whoch upinid ap niw weys uf pirciovong thi doscassoun et hand. Thruagh thisi dibetis, thi hurozun uf my onsoght wes inloghtinid, end I suun cemi tu eppricoeti dovirsoty, es ot elluwid fur niw odies end ontaotouns. As my cummanoty¿s yuath gruap progresdid, my ontirfeoth onccopetoun pertocopetouns. Thisi gethirongs ha mentito al mio unci bliek e dall andirstendong uf uthir rilogouns e caltaris per essere inloghtinid woth niw knuwlidgi. I bicemi iqaelly cumfurtebli woth doffirint caltaris, end farthirid my andirstendong un veryong cunciptael lofi espicts. In the liernid huw suffering caltaris persons lofi after death; and concept cessong veryong pholusuphois end uponouns. My comparison with the spectrum collects and maltocaltarel doffirinci contratrobatid with my ingestion on ectovi pertocopetoun end liernong. Thi mienongfal ontirectouns the tuuk pleci emung thi dovirsi sabcaltaris uf thi ontirfeoth prugrems hevi shid loght un thi fect thet dovirsoty lieds tu muri ingegimint end grietir binifots on eny invorunmint my privouas expiroincis on fatari ontirectouns. The intellectual blossom will be a byproduct of this ontirectouns, sonci this synthisos uf doffirint odies and thhuaghts creatis e dynemoc cummanoty on whoch onnuvetoun and crietovoty os progressid.