Marathi is a dominant language in the state of Maharashtra. Today's Marathi language is heavily influenced by Kannada, Telugu and Sanskrit, and around 80% of the entire population uses this language in daily conversations. Marathi is the most common language across the population. There is around 42% of the city that speaks Marathi. However, the city is multilingual and knows English and Hindi, so it is convenient for tourists to communicate with locals. Some of the popular languages are: Marathi, Hindi and English. Similarly, Hindi is spoken by almost 30% of the people. However, English is used for professional, political, managerial and business purposes. Likewise, the other half of the city speaks many other languages such as English, Gujarati, Hindi and Bengali. Although there are many religious afflictions, the population is Hindu. Other minorities consist of Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Sikhs and