Topic > Lawyer Career - 972

Being a lawyer obviously requires a great deal of intellect, work ethic, organization, dedication, and the ability to argue effectively. If they lack these skills, it may be more difficult to be a lawyer than if they possess them. In terms of alternative careers or potential job market, a law degree offers wide variety and can give you the ability to function in many different job positions. Examples of alternative careers available to lawyers, cited by Janice Mucalov, are: legal consultancy, conflict resolution, banking and finance, as well as many government positions. (Mucalov). Holding a law degree offers many distinct opportunities. The question is asked however; Is this job for me? I believe it could be. My MBTI results place me as "INTJ". As an INTJ, I prefer mental and logical stimulation. The result also places me as an introvert, meaning a person whose strength comes from within themselves. As a lawyer, you may sometimes be required to work in a team, however, for the majority of the time, you will work as a solitary party accumulating information to present to the larger whole. I believe that a career in law would be a great match for my MBTI results, as I fully agree with my result and believe that being a lawyer or having a similar career in the profession would offer me a source of employment that would be well suited to the my particular