The signalized intersection of Highway 12 and Pine Street in Ontario, Canada has faced some challenges in its current design. Therefore, future analysis and design of the intersection should incorporate an appropriate sustainability indicator to ensure that the intersection remains functional as a long-term solution. Perhaps the most important sustainability indicators for future intersection analysis or evaluation should be traffic demand along with future population (Litman 12). These sustainability indicators will ensure that the intersection remains safe and operates at an optimal level for the future based on how it was designed today. The most significant challenge the intersection has faced is traffic congestion due to the large number of vehicles using Esso. Traffic congestion has made the intersection unsustainable due to wasted fuel and time (Kockelman and Shabih 17). Future intersection design may be sustainable or unsustainable depending on the strategies used to overcome this challenge. For example, expanding intersection to ease traffic congestion may be unsustainable (Litman 13). This is because the process will be expensive and therefore uneconomical. Widening the signalized intersection will also pose a challenge due to the current layout of the site. Several expensive buildings located on both Highway 12 and Pine Street will have to be demolished to make way for the expansion. On the other hand, turning the intersection into a roundabout can be sustainable as there will be an increase in mobility and efficiency of vehicle travel. There must be a change in design because the current intersection, which is a four-way intersection, has 32 con...... middle of paper ......project for rent. This will make the surrounding people feel appreciated by the new evaluation. Works Cited Kockelman, Kara M., and Shabih Raheel A. “Effect of Vehicle Type on Signalized Intersection Capacity: The Case of Light Trucks.” Journal of Transportation Engineering, 126.6 (2000), 506-512. Print.Litman, Todd. A. “Development of indicators for comprehensive and sustainable transport planning”. Transport Research Record 2017, Transport Research Council 2017, (2007), 10-15. Print.Litman, Todd. A. Well measured: Develop indicators for comprehensive and sustainable transportation planning. Victoria, BC: Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2005. Print.Smith, Steven A. Guide to Transportation Corridor Studies: A Process for Effective Decision Making. Washington, DC: National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2005. Print.