Lost and Found The normal life of a high school teenager named Darcy. He lives in a small apartment with only his sister named Jamee, his mother named Mattie, and his grandmother who has a stroke. Darcy was a sophomore in high school and only had one friend named Brisana. They were always straight A students and usually characterized others as "low screws" on a scale of 1 to 10. The only problem was that his sister Jamee had trouble in school and was always in trouble. Jamee was an eighth grader and was found hanging out with bad people who were laid back in high school with a driver's license. Jamee was a good child until her father left her for another woman. To make everything even sadder, her grandmother suffered a stroke that left her immobilized and at risk of death. While the mother was barely at home as she works almost 24/7. While Darcy was in school, she was assigned a project to do with a girl named Tarah. A girl she didn't like because in her opinion she was very "stupid". But Darcy found out that just because the person you…hate, doesn't mean that person doesn't have a heart once you get to know them. They ended up doing the same when they went to the ocean with Tarah and her boyfriend Cooper. But Cooper started messing with Darcy and threw a water bug that lives on blood on his sweater. Darcy screamed and took off her sweater, but she ended up riding the bus home. While waiting for the bus, a silver Toyota car approached with no one else on the street. Darcy was afraid that he would do something to her and hoped that the bus would come faster and luckily it did. A couple of days later, Cooper is... middle of paper... scary and disturbing. Darcy calls the police and finds out…. The man in the silver Toyota is her father. This definitely surprises the readers and makes them feel that the story is about to reach its climax. Unfortunately, while Darcy was dating Hakeem, Jamee ran away from home. Darcy finds out and panics, but manages to stay calm and calls everyone connected to her, including the cops. This makes readers excited as they will expect even more excitement from this story. Then it hits them, Grandma talks about Jamee's past and revealed where he was. Darcy and the group run to the hiking site they went to 5 years ago and find her. In the end, readers felt a mood of amazement at how their grandmother does something truly amazing in the conditions she was in.Fin.