He takes the peg in his right hand and holds it with a four-finger grip. It says, "Green." Use your thumb, middle and index fingers to squeeze the peg and seat it on the handle. He holds the peg and looks at his friend. He removes the peg from the grip panel and drops it into the container. He holds the board with his right hand. He takes two pegs from the container and places it on the floor. Use the middle, thumb and index fingers of your left hand to place the peg on the grip board. He takes another peg and places it in front of the first peg. He picks up a peg and says, “Pink.” He tightens the peg. He puts it on the floor so he can't hold it. He takes another peg and says, “Orange color.” He squeezes the orange peg and clips it to the other side of the grip board. He takes the pink peg again and squeezes it tightly. He hooks it in front of the orange peg. He shows it to the teacher and says: “Me