Child sexual abuse is becoming more and more known in the United States as the years go by. The number of reports and children involved in those reports is shocking and disturbing. According to the National Child Abuse Statistics (2013), there are three million reports per year in the United States of six million children involved in these child abuse cases, of which 9.1% involve sexual abuse. Children are sexually abused in one or more ways and warning signs can help save these children to prevent the consequences of sexual abuse caused by their abusers. The United States has some of the worst statistics when it comes to child abuse. “It is currently estimated that one third of all children are sexually abused before the age of 18” (Bogorad, 1998). Of these sexually abusive children, most know their abuser. It is usually a family member or someone close to the family who abuses the child. According to Bogorad (1998), “more than 70% of delinquents are close relatives.” This is the main reason why most children do not tell someone about being sexually abused. They know the offender, they love him or they don't want to put him in trouble. “Perpetrators of sexual abuse are usually men” (Bilginer, Hesapçıoğlu, & Kandil, 2013). This is a commonly known fact, but women also sexually abuse children, just like men do. Most children who are sexually abused are girls, but boys are still targeted, but not as much as girls. “One in four women is sexually abused [while] most professionals believe that 1 in 10 and perhaps as many as 1 in 6 men are sexually abused as children” (Definitions, Scope, and Effects of Child Sexual Abuse, n.d.). The reason why professionals don't know the...... middle of paper...... 55-64. doi:10.5350/DAJPN2013260106Bogorad, B. E. (1998). Sexual abuse: Surviving the pain. In the American Academy of Traumatic Stress Experts. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from, Scope, and Effects of Child Sexual Abuse (n.d.). In the US Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Child Abuse Statistics (2013). In child care. retrieved November 23, 2013, from of sexual violence (2009). In RAINN. retrieved November 14, 2013, from child sexual abuse (2013). In the American Psychological Association. Retrieved November 25, 2013, from