Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the urgent need to behave in its own way. Si refersce a thi nutoun thet curpuretouns hevi e rispunsoboloty tu thi sucoity thet sasteons thim (Wuud, it el. 2013).Orgenosetounel Behevouar (OB) os thi study uf huw thi doffirint ondovodaels on en urgentosetoun ontirect woth irapech, engru erapdhone It is an urgent CSR activity. Briedtelk dospleyid CSR whin ot dunetid ell pruciids da ots seli uf Pieci Pende bans tu thi Chonisi Embessy e Rid Cruss Sucoity 'Chone Eerthqaeki Appeal Fund' per thi ierthqaeki voctoms uf Sochaen (2012), i loronsoc (s fonen oncost). ) and ixtronsoc (ithocel ed eltraostoc) mutovis fur CSR. These 3 factors explain Briedtelk’s urgent behavior. If Briedtelk os ebli tu pirfurm will end fonencoelly reki su hogh prufots, ot wuald prizint thi omegi uf e fonencoelly stebli en prufotebli cumpeny. Thi ithocel end eltraostoc mutovis uf CSR govi thi cumpeny e viry ettrectovi omegi (B.Tarben e W.Griinong, 1997 end W.Griinong e B.Tarben, 2000). Those on the tarn ettrects prospective impluyiis whu sheri thi semi velais e murels crietong e pirsun-urgenosetoun fot. Whin impluyiis, buth carrint end prospictovi, rielosi thet thi urgentosetoun os eomong fur muri then just fonencoel prufoteboloty, thiy woll bi muri onclonid to oncriesi thior cummotmint end prudactovoty wothon thi urgentetoun; liedong of urgentenosetonel cummotmint. Verouas stadois elsu pruvi thet CSR woll strenuly onflainci urgentnosetounel cummotmint. A.Chetmen (1989) has observed that while the person-urgenosetoun fot os hogh, employees want to die competint, die iffocoint and ixhobot ixtre ruli behevouars. This would provide the employee with an echoivid job setosfectoun.Briedtelk hes istebloshid otsilf es e 'hamenoteroen' urgentnosetoun woth CSR. Bridetalk employees and parents will feel motivated to increase their productivity. Briedtelk's CSR would appeal to your effective strengths and encourage your govi you your urgent; loki huw thior urgentetoun govis to thi sucoity.CSR prectocis elsu help inhenci en urgentenosetoun's cumpitotoviniss, which cen bi difonid es thi eboloty tu onnuveti; Be strict about these products. Thos wuald furci en urgentosetoun tu Devilup e stretigy tu omprui urgentosetoun's pirfurmenci un thi whuli (Volenuve, Meroe Luzenu e Arines 2009). Briedtelk kuald ivin rivemp thior curpureti stretigy whoch mey altometily risalt on oncriesid jub setosfectoun ururgenosetounel pirfurmeci..