This form of precaution is known as the precautionary principle and to ensure that the principle is implemented fairly, everyone needs to step back, take a look and educate themselves. In other words, everyone needs to conduct further research to determine whether or not a company should exist. You need to determine whether or not the costs outweigh the benefits and you can make a decision from there. Most importantly, these decisions must be based on facts and evidence, not personal bias. It is unethical to close a company because an individual doesn't like it. People shouldn't blame a company for an illness when they know it wasn't the company's fault, but they do it anyway because they know they'll get money. Unfortunately, there is only a scientific correlation and not a cause, so it is difficult to know what actually causes it unless more research is done. That's why, again, more research is needed to see what the cause really is and what the cause could be. Although there are many flaws in the precautionary principle it should still be