The interest and prevalence in body modification seems to have reemerged from the past and become remarkably prevalent in many societies, especially in the West. In recent years, there has been considerable emphasis on modern consumer culture moving away from its more conservative past – from hiding the body with heavy clothing to highlighting the contours of the body with as little clothing as possible, along with exposure of the flesh ( Body and Society, 1999). Likewise, the evolution of tattoos and scarification practices by indigenous tribes of the past versus tattoos as a hobby or fashion statement in the present day. The term "body modification" implies a broad spectrum of practices: tattooing, piercing, implants, branding, scarification, and other forms of deep skin alterations. Likewise, other invasive modifications include the vast array of contemporary cosmetic surgery procedures and even female and male genital circumcision. According to Dr. Mark Featherstone, professor at the School of Biological Sciences at Nanyang Technlogical University and author of ...