I was wrapped in cassette tapes while making this poster. With the choice of quotes and random ideas flowing through my head, this was the result. The following quote, "[t]his one tape contained all these memories, feelings, great joy and sadness," (Part 2, Page 62) from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky, was chosen for hidden meaning within. The overall meaning of this quote is that this tape is what makes Charlie, the protagonist, feel real. First, the chosen quote, "[t]his tape contained all these memories and feelings, great joy and sadness," (Part 2, Page 62) plays an important role in the poster, as it conveys to the protagonist the feeling of being separated from this world. As this mix tape allowed Charlie to think about "how many people loved these [these] songs", (Part 2, Page 62) and how many "many people got through hard times because of [these] songs", (Part 2, Page 62) also allows older audiences to share a feeling with the fictional character. The author allowed readers to understand that music can help alleviate problems and can give you multiple feelings where you can overcome negative life choices. Continuing from the quote there is the cassette above the silhouette. As revealed in the poster, it's called "One Winter," which is the name of the tape Charlie made for his friend Patrick. This tape contained more songs from The Beatles to Fleetwood Mac (part 2, page 62), where it is based on a winter theme. These songs, as stated in the quote, give Charlie a sense of being alive and experiencing multiple amazing feelings. Since the songs were personally chosen by the protagonist, the poster revealed that the tape itself is wrapped around the silhou...... center of the card......agonist within the story. In conclusion, this poster contains an attractive design, which can attract many members of the audience. Looking at the poster from afar, the audience will wonder why there is an empty figure and a cassette on top. When looking at the poster, many will wonder why the cassette is wrapped around the silhouette, why the cassette is called "One Winter", whether the quote refers to the tape, and whether the colors are significant or not. While not many people think too deeply when looking at the poster, they will most likely draw their attention to the book, Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky.Works Citedhttp://www.colormatters.com/blue http://www. empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/color-white.html http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/wallflower