Technology is the key to survival and has changed very rapidly since it first appeared hundreds of thousands of years ago. Technology, in this case, refers to anything based on electronics. From cars to airplanes, computers and microwave ovens. Now, when a company, organization, person or group of people needs to advertise something, they use what is called a logo. A logo is generally a graphic image used on brochures, websites and flyers, anything from which the group receives advertising, and in a way that represents the group and its services accurately, while maintaining a pleasant touch in the eyes of the viewer. Just like the technology around us, logos change. They evolve, adapting to the social and visual aspects of society. What changes is not necessarily the appearance of the logos, but what is passed through society as "beautiful". The shapes, colors, angles, and contour lines change based on the designer's preferences, but they want the logo to be considered "beautiful," so they must adhere to the company's preferences, not just their own. These general societal preferences change continuously, over time. What is considered "good" art changes over time. This is only known as: Logo Evolution. Now, the general public widely assumes that logos have been a vital part of a company's life cycle for many years. But what is the significance of this past? Imagine an ancient vase with numerous markings etched into the clay mold, resembling lines, shapes, and even an animal. Now imagine those marks, on a different vase, a hundred miles away. Those same signs, those same shapes, but perhaps assembled differently, and on a different vase. Now, it's possible that this arrangement is just a coincidence. This, by chance… halfway down the paper… compared to the way we create logos now. The main evolution of logos is not what they are, how they look, or how they are used, but rather how they are made. Nowadays, logos require less physical work (hammer on nail carving) and more digital painting on a computer (brush tool in Photoshop). Logos and our perception evolve rapidly with the technology that creates them. It's almost inevitable that they evolve, and it's almost uncontrollable how. (Source #1) “Smashing Magazine.” The evolution of the logo. Dan Redding and Web. April 03, 2014. (Source #2) "Start creating, sharing and exploring amazing images today!" The history of logo design. Tracey Rickwood and Web. April 3, 2014. (Source #3) "A Brave New World: The Evolution of the Corporate Logo." Metro Brand New World The evolution of the companylogo Comments. Ross McGuinness and Web. 03 April. 2014.