1. What is human capital? Intellectual capital resources contribute to an organization's potential to begin or continue to create value and are collectively known as intellectual capital or IC. While there are many different ways to divide intellectual capital, the authors' favorite way is to divide intellectual capital into three categories based on their economic behavior. These are:1.1. Relational: include all relationships that the organization has, such as customers, consumers, intermediaries, representatives, suppliers, partners, owners, financiers and the like.1. 2. Organizational: The intuitive definition was best articulated by Leif Edvinsson as “all those things that remain in the organization when the employees have left the building but which cannot be found on the balance sheet.” This includes assets such as brands, intellectual property, processes, systems, organizational structures, information (on paper or in databases) and the like.1. 3. Human: all attributes that concern individuals as assets to the company and with the requirement that these attributes cannot be replaced by machines or written on a piece of paper. This includes resources such as expertise, attitude, skills, tacit knowledge, personal networks and the like. (p.19) Human resources are not owned by anyone but are controlled by the individual. Just because the individual comes to work does not mean they have access to their skills. The gatekeeper between the individual's skills and the organization that wants to use that resource is the individual himself. (p.22) According to Wikipedia “human capital is the set of embodied skills, knowledge, and personality attributes…… middle of paper…… importance of human capital/(retrieved October 2, 2011 )Bhutoria, N. (n/d) Human capital evaluation http://www.hrfolks.com/articles/intellectual%20capital/valuation%20of%20human%20capital.pdf (retrieved October 13, 2011) Caruso, S (2011) http://www.eadulteducation.org/adult-learning /human-capital-is-a-significant-factor-in-the-success-of-an-organization/ (retrieved October 11, 2011) http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_capital (retrieved October 11, 2011) Lockwood, NR (n/d)http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3495/is_9_51/ai_n26993587/?tag=content ;col1(retrieved 11 October 2011)NAMCOL Prospectus 2011Schneider, S.; Johnson, P.; Walter, N. (2005). Human capital is the key to growth Success stories and policies for 2020, 1-20Stockley. , D (n/d)http://derekstockley.com.au/newsletters-05/018-human-capital.html (retrieved 10 October 2011)