Every year more and more graduates, their families and even professionals already working in the sector find themselves facing an increasingly difficult question. That question is determining whether or not they should pursue a college education. The reason for this controversy is that since the economy has definitely taken a hit, more and more people want to make money in any way they can now rather than spend money to increase potential earnings for the future. Another point of contention is that the cost of attending college is rising and will continue to rise unless major political action occurs. This question is relevant because it is important to be informed about the costs and benefits of going to college so you can make an informed decision or help someone you know make an informed decision. College isn't for everyone, but for most people, going to college can be a great tool for building your career and family. One of the biggest benefits of college is the increased possibility for upward economic mobility. College can be used to push you into a different class in society that would otherwise have been unattainable. “According to a recent Georgetown study, those with a college degree earn about $1 million more over their lifetime than those without one” (Bradford). If you were born into the poorest quintile of American families, getting a college degree gives you an 80% greater chance of improving your economic status over your lifetime (Bradford). “College education is also an important differentiator in economic mobility. In our country we embrace the promise of the “American Dream,” the idea that anyone who works hard can make it” (Azziz). This is partly due to the weekly and...... middle of paper......you. Having immigrant parents, I am seeking to improve my socioeconomic status with my degree and will work hard to continue to thrive in my goals of achieving higher education. Whether you should or not is always up to you, but the benefits definitely outweigh the costs. With a college degree you get the benefits of greater upward economic mobility, a much higher starting salary and accelerated increase in earnings than someone who didn't go to college, and the benefit of having many more opportunities to choose what you would like Do. do for your career. As stated in the United States Declaration of Independence, you are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights that include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The American dream can be yours by making a solid college education the foundation of your career and your life.