According to HUD, competitive homeless programs, formula homelessness programs, and other homeless programs are established to help the social problem of homelessness (Assistance for the Homeless homeless). Government funding also plays a role in ending homelessness, according to Think Progress: “The government's goal is to end veteran homelessness by 2015. To accelerate progress, it committed an additional $14 million in November of dollars in addition to the almost 8 million dollars he had set aside." "(Hidden). The company that contributes to the social problem by donating items can be helped because the list of items that the homeless shelter takes can be seen online, according to helping the needy (Things to Donate to the Homeless). So, all in all , homelessness can create a problem that needs to be recognized in our communities. All four general agreements fit into the social issue of homelessness, therefore considered one of the problems facing society, which is a social problem Homelessness can have both a negative and positive factor on the functioning of the society. So let's make a change and produce all the positive factors when it comes to homelessness and shelters. As the government, society and individuals make a difference to solve the problem, they can turn the problem of homelessness into a social problem helping hand can count and do a