Topic > What are the keys to academic and personal success…

When teachers and academics look at students, they see ambition, success and discipline. As a student, five days a week, I spend six to seven hours sitting at my desk, trying to get the best education possible. I believe that high school offers a better advantage than disadvantage, but rather academic success and personal development. It takes a combination of skills, organization, prioritization, and focus to achieve academic success and personal development. To be academically successful one must realize themselves in becoming all that they are capable of becoming. Our contemporary generation is disintegrating and losing its morals. However, we have inspiring people who seek to edify us to our true and insightful meaning. The keys to academic success and personal development are not achieved overnight, but rather by a process that should be learned over the years. In my senior year of high school I learned that you have to be motivated. You need that drive or goal that energizes your behavior towards a goal. Without being motivated we can succeed academically. When a person is motivated......